November 1

What To Do When You’re Feeling Lost?


Do you ever feel like you are following someone who just knows all the good things about life’s choices?

Do you ever feel uncomfortable just letting your impulse call you toward that fun stuff?

We are all constantly being confronted by decisions and because of that, we are always standing at crossroads, facing new choices and challenges.

I know, it can be really daunting.

But don’t you think that maybe it’s time to ditch the idea of being just a follower and find out what you really want in life?

Don’t let your reality be based on someone else’s feelings. Don’t care too much about what other people may think about what you want to do.

Every choice we make takes us one step closer to discovering who we are and what we want out of life.

If you’re feeling pulled in different directions, take a deep breath and begin to trust your gut. Listen to your inner voice!

We all have an inner voice – that little nudge that tells us what to do or which way to go. Sometimes it’s loud and clear, and other times it’s more of a whisper. But whether it’s loud or soft, listening to your inner voice can be a great source of guidance when you need it most.

If your inner voice is telling you something for a very long time, it might be time to listen to it.

Finding Your Inner Voice

Do you know those times when you get super excited about something? That’s exactly when your inner voice is trying to tell you something.

When we take the time to listen to our inner voice, we may be surprised at how wise it can be. It can help us make tough decisions, end unhealthy relationships, find our true calling in life, and so much more.

If we listen closely to what we want, we’ll begin to visualize and see the opportunities that come with it. If we’re feeling lost or uncertain, we have to take a moment to quiet our minds and listen to our inner voice.

Our inner voice is unique to us. It gives us the guidance we need to find our own way. It helps us to detach ourselves from what others think.

The answers are always within us, we just have to be brave enough to listen. Go forth and conquer those crossroads, my friends, they hold the key to our happiness.

Inner Voice Examples

So many of us don’t relax into the trust of letting our inner being guide us, because we still feel the need to prove our worthiness.

Take a look at this example:

One day, Shane realized that he had been living his life trying to prove himself worthy of good things. He had been sacrificing what he wanted in order to be a “good” person.

But then he realized that nobody was keeping score of all the things he did or didn’t do. The only credit he got was in the moment, and it was based on how he felt.

If it felt good, it was credit. If it felt bad, it was a de-merit.

Can you see yourself as Shane in this scenario? At some point in our lives, we have been like Shane.

It’s fascinating to think about how many decisions we make are based on what other people will think. We want to be liked, so we’ll do what’s popular even if it doesn’t align with our true interests.

We want to be seen as successful, so we’ll pursue the most conventional path instead of following our hearts. And all too often, we’ll put aside our own happiness in order to try and please others.

What if we allowed ourselves to simply be guided by our innermost desires?

Trust your inner being. It knows what is best for you! It may not be easy, but it’s always worth it.

So the next time you’re feeling lost or unsure of which way to go, take a deep breath and listen to your inner voice. It will lead you to exactly where you need to be.

As you leap towards your goals, you’ll feel a sense of ease and trust. You’ll know exactly that your inner being is guiding you toward a path of fun and adventure.

You’ll no longer need to prove your worth through struggle and hardship. Instead, relax into the trust that your inner knows what is best for you!

Your inner being always knows where the good stuff is. Let go of the need to prove yourself and relax into the trust that your inner being has your best interests at heart.


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