Consciousness Intervention

Allow the consciousness to lead your life

You are 99.999% emptiness (space-consciousness) and 0.0001% matter. 

Why do you allow so small part of you to lead your life? 

You Found This Website For A Reason

Are you willing to grow?

Are you willing to change?

Are you willing to let go?

Are you willing to live a happier life?

There’s a reason why you are here today, Beautiful Being.

How To Reach The Deep Power Sleeping Inside You?

Step onto the unknown path of self-discovery and embark on a transformative journey and inner awakening.

Delve deep within yourself, unlocking the hidden treasures of your supernatural power and awakening your awarness of your inner consciousness.

We often say, "I am just so tired and I want to change…", but then we do the same behavior expecting a different result…

If you really want to move on…

If you are willing to take out the pain of your ego burning down while your true light rises up…

If you are willing to stay centered even if your mind is in a storm…

…you will have a big reward.

yoga sacred place

In this sacred space, we honor the spirit of thankfulness, recognizing the divine blessings that surround us each day. With open hearts and grateful souls, we embrace the abundance that flows through our lives, nurturing our growth and guiding us toward a higher state of being.

We will teach you how.

If you reach your true connection, you harness your real power and therefore happiness.

What is Inner Power?

Inner power is a level of consciousness that helps you live a happier, happier, and more abundant life.

Through Consciousness Intervention, we help you tap into the limitless inner power that resides within you. 

Everything we offer is studied, tested, and crafted for over 25 years of self-discovery.

It is a profound journey of self-exploration and self-realization, as we awaken the dormant forces that have been waiting patiently within. 

With our help, allow the gentle whispers of your soul to guide you as you reconnect with your inner power, embracing the fullness of your divine potential.

We do this by awakening all stages of your consciousness.

Stages of Spiritual Awakening

Which Stage Are You At?

Discontent & Seek for Meaning

Are you feeling a sense of discontent or longing for something deeper and more meaningful in life? Are you questioning the purpose and significance of existence?


Awakening and Awareness

Experiencing a shift in consciousness or an awakening moment? Becoming aware of the interconnectedness of all things and the presence of a higher power?


Seeking and Exploration

Embarking on a quest of understanding through various spiritual practices, teachings, and modalities? Exploring your personal truth?


Inner Healing and Self-Reflection

Are you confronting and healing past wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs? Engaging in self-reflection and introspection to gain clarity about personal values, purpose, and authenticity?


Expansion of Consciousness

Experiencing expanded states of consciousness, including moments of clarity, intuitive insights, and spiritual experiences? Feeling a deep connection to the divine, nature, and all living beings?


Integration and Alignment

Integrating spiritual insights and wisdom into daily life and relationships? Recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the desire to contribute to the well-being of others? This is the End Goal.

Do You Want To Reach Your End Goal?

Journey With Us To Awaken Your Inner Consciousness!


Our dedicated practitioners and guides are here to support you on this transformative path. With compassion and wisdom, we will help you navigate the realms of consciousness, facilitating your spiritual evolution and facilitating healing from within. Together, we create a sacred space where you can shed the layers that no longer serve you, inviting the light of spiritual enlightenment to shine brightly upon your journey.

Explore Our Divine Arts & Crafts

Let the divine energy guide you as you awaken your inner consciousness and step into the radiant light of spiritual enlightenment. The sacred journey awaits, and we are here to accompany you every step of the way.

Mugs Divine Message Consciousness Intervention
tarot cards

Learn to Embrace the Spirit Of Thankfulness

Spirit Of Thankfulness

We invite you to immerse yourself in the profound essence of thankfulness. It is a sacred force that has the power to transform lives and awaken the dormant potential within.

With deep gratitude, we unlock the doorways to inner wisdom and invite the universe to bestow its blessings upon us.

By cultivating an attitude of gratitude, we shift our focus from what is lacking to the abundant blessings that surround us. We open ourselves to the flow of divine energy and allow it to nourish our souls, guiding us toward a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.

If you want to start experiencing the power within you, try this:

How to Be Thankful

Take a moment to reflect on the blessings that have shaped your path in the past.

Meditate on it. You should have a quiet surroundings.

Start appreciating a particular event in your life that ever made you happy even once.

It could be the lessons learned from both joyous moments and the challenges faced.

Then say “Thank you”. Be willing to say thank you and you will start seeing the change.

The Spirit of Thankfulness is the response!

You may not be ready to change but if you are not willing to be grateful for what you have, you will not have any other than that.


A Journey of Transformation

In the realm of spiritual guidance and holistic healing, Zaneta Seilerova emerges as a radiant presence—a true priestess and yoga expert with a deep commitment to helping others on their transformative journeys.

As the founder and owner of Consciousness Intervention, Zaneta embodies the essence of a priestess and wayshower, dedicated to illuminating the path for those seeking their truth and purpose.

Consciousness Intervention: The Path of Transformation To Willingness & Thankfulness

When we're willing to say thank you, our perspective shifts.  We become receptive to the abundance and blessings that surround us. Through thankfulness, we align ourselves with the flow of positivity and attract more reasons to be grateful.

At Consciousness Intervention, we guide you on this transformative journey with a deep understanding of the power of willingness and thankfulness.

Our approach combines consciousness intervention practices, healing modalities, and yoga expertise to support your growth and self-realization.

What if there is a hidden wellspring of inner power and potential within you, just waiting to be awakened?

Through the spirit of thankfulness, we honor the interconnectedness of all beings and recognize the profound impact each person and experience has on our journey. Within the depths of gratitude lies the key to unlocking your inner power. 

If you are willing to embark on this journey, let us know! We are very happy to receive you.

What Awaits You On The Other Side?

  • You’ll be able to journey inward and explore the depths of your being
  • Awaken your inner consciousness that has been dormant.
  • You’ll meet people who share the same goals like you.
  • Together, you’ll be able to embrace mindfulness and to cultivate present-moment awareness, and deepen self-awareness.
  • Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature to reconnect with the inherent wisdom of the universe.
  • We will help you let go of attachments and embrace the flow of life.
  • You’ll be able to engage in introspection activities and reflect to gain insights into your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs
  • You’ll be able to seek guidance from experienced mentors and practitioners to support your spiritual growth.
  • We will do meditation, breathwork, and yoga exercises to quiet the mind and open the heart.
  • We will help you create a sacred space for spiritual connection to nourish your being.
  • We will help you cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the blessings and lessons that life brings.
  • Embrace the path to spiritual enlightenment as a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth.

Awakening your inner consciousness is a profound and transformative process. As you embrace this path, remember that each step you take brings you closer to a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe. Embrace the wisdom that emerges from within and let it guide you on your journey toward spiritual enlightenment.


Center For Spiritual Awareness

Our center for spiritual awareness covers the following services which will truly renew your mind and soul, release past trauma, and snap out of life's issues

Smoke Cleansing Ceremony

Have you ever felt a flicker of something extraordinary within you, waiting to be unleashed? It's time to embark on a journey of discovery, where the magic of consciousness intervention awaits. Are you ready to ignite your inner power and witness the transformation that unfolds? Try our smoke cleansing ceremony service offered online or in person. This approach can be used to address: Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Emotional Wellbeing.


As you step into the realm of consciousness intervention, you open yourself to a world of possibilities. With consciousness intervention, you can tap into that reservoir of untapped energy and ignite a fire that will illuminate your path.

Soul Scents-Essential Oil Sessions

Imagine experiencing profound shifts in your being, as layers of limitations fall away. Can you envision a life where you are no longer held back by self-doubt or fear? Through healing modalities and practices, consciousness intervention facilitates the release of blockages, restoring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit. The magic lies in the transformative power that lies within your reach.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditations invite you to embark on inner journeys, connecting you to your true essence and divine wisdom. How would it feel to access a well of wisdom deep within you, a source of guidance that knows no bounds? Picture yourself immersed in a state of clarity and presence, where realizations flow effortlessly and insights unfold naturally. The magic of consciousness intervention holds the key to unlocking this inner wellspring of knowledge.


Crystals, the Earth's natural wonders, offer their potent energy to amplify intentions and promote healing. Can you imagine holding a crystal in your hand, feeling its energy resonate with your own? The magic of these gems lies in their ability to awaken dormant aspects of yourself, reminding you of the power you possess. Their vibrant hues and unique properties become catalysts for self-discovery and transformation.

Soul Purpose

In this journey of consciousness intervention, self-reflection becomes a guiding compass. What truths lie beneath the surface of your thoughts and emotions? Through introspection, you can uncover deeper layers of understanding, unveiling the wisdom that lies dormant within you. Realize the profound impact of self-love and acceptance, as you honor your unique journey and experiences. Embrace the magic of consciousness intervention as it opens doors to self-discovery and self-empowerment.


As you embark on this transformative path, you'll come to appreciate the interconnectedness of all things. Can you feel the ripples of compassion and empathy expanding within your heart? The magic of consciousness intervention fosters a deep understanding of our interconnected nature, inspiring you to nurture kindness and understanding towards yourself and others.


Surrendering to the flow of the universe, you'll realize the beauty of divine timing. Have faith in the journey, for each step you take leads you closer to your destination. The magic of consciousness intervention lies in the power of intention-setting, where your desires and dreams manifest into reality. Visualize the life you desire, align your intentions, and watch as the universe conspires to bring it into being.

Soul Healing

Are you ready to discover the magic of consciousness intervention and ignite your inner power? Step into this realm of transformation, where limitless possibilities await. Embrace the journey and witness the profound changes that unfold as you awaken your true essence and tap into the wellspring of magic within.

Relationship Healings

With our cleansing ceremonies, we eliminate negativity and encourage positive thinking.

You are just 1 click away from renewing your life.

...and we'll give you what you need

Or You Can Read Our Guides For Enlightenment