December 20

Fear Of Failure


Imagine how your life would be if you would not have a fear of failure inside you? How confident you would be in every area of your life if that FEAR that is hunting you in the most important moments in your life wouldn’t exist and that the fear of not meeting the expectations wouldn’t influence your daily decisions?
There is one good question to ask: Who doesn’t have fear of failure in this world?
Everybody has it, with the difference that some of us have it under our watch and others are completely taken by that.

Which one are you?

The one that gets paralyzed when important and big moments come, or the one who has the feet on the ground while the storm pasts?

Here are some easy and simple thoughts that sound “fantastic” on paper but are hard to bring to reality.
But remember, practice every day little by little and in the end, you will see the huge advance you have done.

So, first of all, fear is not an object or subject, fear is a response to vibrations.

What Causes Fear of Failure?

So, what causes Fear of Failure? Fear is what you feel when you observe your unfulfilled desire.
Your fear is telling you that you are looking away from your desire, it does not mean that you are a failure or that you are not good at this, or that you don’t deserve any of that. All it means is that right now, in this present moment you are being against yourself, against your wellbeing, against your dreams coming true. You are being a rebel and in opposition to your intentions. This is how you create the vibration that is translated as fear.

Fear is not bad. Fear is your guidance, fear is your protector.

We don’t like fear because it is proof of us moving in a different direction than where we want to go. We allow the contradictory thought to take over and we believe that that part of us, that fearful piece of us, knows better.

We are complicated and if we are not sensitive to our emotions, we easily fall into fear.
We confuse ourselves so much. We want things, and then we don’t, we get excited and then we don’t, we pull forward and then we pull back… We don’t have control and then we are responding to a pile of thoughts that we have been accumulating during the time creating vibrations of fear.

Especially, when we look at the pile of the things that we don’t want, we feel a lot of negative emotions. It is very uncomfortable to look at the way that we don’t have control. That is where the fear is born.

How to Overcome Fear of Failure

Fortunately, you can do something about it if you want to know how to overcome the fear of failure.
First, know that when you feel fear it is because you focus on the things you don’t want. You are focused on the things that can fail. You are focused on failure while all you want is success.

So how does success feels?

Success is joy, success is feeling good, and living happily ever after, success is actually the absence of fear.

Interesting right? Something to think about right?

If you have a choice to pick what do you want to think about would it be fear or success?

Your day is full of thoughts that create your day and night… months… years… your whole life… pick the one that makes you feel the best…

It is all your decision, nobody else’.


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