Who is Zaneta?

I'm the Founder of Consciousness Intervention. I'm a devoted mother, spiritual life coach, certified yoga instructor, and ceremonial priestess.

My journey of personal transformation and triumph over adversity fuels my passion to help others on their own path of healing and empowerment. With over two decades of spiritual exploration and training in various modalities, I bring a wealth of wisdom, compassion, and authenticity to each activity I do.

zaneta seilerova - owner of consciousness intervention

I Help People Navigate Their Path Through Consciousness Intervention

Welcome to Consciousness Intervention! Zaneta's personal journey has been one of profound healing and purpose. From her roots in Czechoslovakia to her life-changing journey to many places around the world, she embarked on a successful career as a devoted mother, spiritual life coach, certified yoga instructor, and ceremonial priestess.

Zaneta is Not Your Typical Spiritual Coach

Zaneta is not your typical spiritual coach who simply imparts wisdom from a distance. She doesn't just sit back and nod her head while you speak endlessly about your journey. In her guidance, it's a beautiful dialogue - she walks beside you, fully present and engaged. There's no judgment, no pretense of authority. Zaneta stands as your ally, illuminator, and wayshower ready to help you navigate through life's challenges and embrace the wonders of your spiritual awakening.

Whether you're seeking to heal from past wounds, explore your inner witch, or embark on a transformative yoga journey, Zaneta is there to share in your growth. Her devotion to your wellbeing shines through as she supports you in breaking free from self-imposed barriers, empowering you to uncover your limitless potential.

My Story

Allow me to share my own story and how I can support you on your transformative journey. My name is Zaneta, and I have personally walked a challenging path of suffering and despair.

 I was born in Czechoslovakia, but my life took a dramatic turn when I moved to Mexico City at the age of 21. 

I embarked on a successful career as an actress and model, basking in the glamour, admiration, and material wealth that accompanied it.

In the eyes of many, my life was the epitome of a dream. I graced the covers of magazines, stepped onto the silver screen, and captivated audiences with my performances. The world of glamour surrounded me, with invitations to exclusive parties and an abundance of wealth and attention.

However, as life unfolded, tragedy struck. Little did I know that the universe had a different plan in store for me.

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the tragedy

The Tragedy

In a tragic twist of fate, I experienced a horrific motorcycle accident. I had a compound fracture in my ankle and the doctors hesitantly discussed the possibility of amputation. Their prognosis was disheartening - they doubted I would ever walk again.

For years, I found myself confined to crutches and a wheelchair, locked in a performance I never auditioned for. 

Despite undergoing six surgeries over the span of three grueling years, my condition showed no signs of improvement.

Falling Down The Rabbit Hole...

As my physical limitations grew, so did the loss of my job, friends, and the sense of success that once defined me.

In the midst of physical and emotional pain, I lost everything that once defined me—my job, my friends, and my sense of success. Loneliness and depression became my constant companions, leading me down a path of self-destructive behavior and addiction. It was a dark time in my life, filled with hopelessness and despair.

Depression, Anguish And More Suffering...

My spirit grew heavy with despair, and sadness and depression became constant companions. In the depths of my anguish, I sought solace in the vices that echoed the demons of my theatrical persona.

Seeking a lifeline, I sought help through psychotherapy. It was there that I was introduced to antidepressants, antianxiety medications, and sleeping pills - a concoction that would eventually lead me down a treacherous path of addiction. Mixing these substances with other drugs and alcohol, a tempest raged within my mind, seemingly endless in its fury.

In The Midst Of Uncertainty, A Flicker Of Hope Ignited Within Me...

I discovered something that changed my life forever—I found out I was pregnant. This unexpected gift became the catalyst for my transformation.

I mustered the courage to survive and to tackle my situation. This is where I started my incredible discovery journey for the past 20 years, tirelessly seeking ways to find solace and personal growth.

pregnancy test

My Transformation

Having explored a wide range of therapies, retreats, workshops, and meetings, my quest for for self-awareness has been unwavering.

25 Years Of Yoga

My thirst for knowledge and healing has led me to diverse paths of study and practice. I delved deep into the transformative power of yoga. Through deep pranayama exercises, meditation, and asanas, I have developed a regular practice that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. I have obtained certification in Chi Qiong practice, honing my ability to work with primary energies and different energy centers within the body. Additionally, I have also achieved a first-level certification in Reiki healing, harnessing the universal life force energy to promote balance and well-being.

As a certified yoga instructor with over 25 years of dedicated practice, I have immersed myself in the transformative power of yoga.

With each breath I take and each pose I guide, I embrace the opportunity to inspire and uplift others on their own unique journeys. My experience has taught me that yoga is not just a physical practice but a profound inward journey of self-discovery and self-love.

Tapping Into Self-Discovery, Traditional Psychology And Psychiatric Therapies

While I initially delved into the practice of Wicca and immersed myself in its study for two years, I eventually shifted my focus back to yoga. However, my innate connection to my inner witch has recently reawakened, igniting a desire to incorporate small rituals into my life, creating moments of magic and connection.

My exploration of various therapeutic modalities, including traditional psychology and psychiatric therapies, has provided me with invaluable insights and teachings. Through my personal experiences with antidepressants and the slowing of my mind, I have gleaned wisdom that I carry forward on my healing journey.

I hold immense gratitude towards Nathaniel for introducing me to the life-changing work of Katie Byron. This transformative practice of self-inquiry has become a cornerstone of my growth, leading to profound discoveries and breakthroughs along the way.

My journey has also taken me through regression therapy, where I have unlocked the mysteries of four past lives, addressing deep-seated fears and finding answers to long-standing questions. Each step I have taken, each experience I have embraced, has allowed me to shed limiting beliefs and obstacles, revealing a new and empowered version of myself.

My unwavering commitment to uncovering my highest purpose and truth has been borne out of the depths of my suffering. Now, I yearn to flow powerfully through life, embracing both the growth and healing that await me. With an open heart, I invite others to join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery and inner healing.

No Judgment,

No Pretense -

Just a Safe Space For You To Explore And Grow.

Do You Want To Reach Your End Goal?

Journey With Us To Awaken Your Inner Consciousness!


Our dedicated practitioners and guides are here to support you on this transformative path. With compassion and wisdom, we will help you navigate the realms of consciousness, facilitating your spiritual evolution and facilitating healing from within. Together, we create a sacred space where you can shed the layers that no longer serve you, inviting the light of spiritual enlightenment to shine brightly upon your journey.

Explore Our Divine Arts & Crafts

Let the divine energy guide you as you awaken your inner consciousness and step into the radiant light of spiritual enlightenment. The sacred journey awaits, and we are here to accompany you every step of the way.

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