Limited appointments available!

Let This Spiritual Ceremony Heal And Free You

  • Have you ever longed for a moment of respite from the overwhelming emotions that consume you?
  • Are you tired of carrying the weight of emotional struggles, pain, and sadness?

  • Are you ready to move out of a place of indecision, stress, and anxiety?
  • Do you seek solace and a way to heal the wounds that seem to burden your soul?
  • Maybe you just got out of a long-term relationship and are genuinely and eagerly ready to move forward?
  • Perhaps your true self is obscured by layers of pain and suffering accumulated over the years of living?

You're Longing For Relief & Healing...

I Feel The Depths Of Your Emotions.

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and energetic renewal

My in-person Smoke Cleansing Ceremony offers you a sacred space to cleanse your energy, release negativity, unlock your energetic centers and invite positive vibrations into your life. 

I know..

Often, we find ourselves saying, 'I am tired, and I crave change,' yet we continue to walk the same paths, expecting different results... 

If your answer is a resounding 'yes,' then a magnificent reward  through this ceremony awaits for you - the profound connection with your true self where unlimited power and unyielding happiness is available to everyone. 

A Unique Spiritual Healing
Smoke Cleansing Ceremony

In 50 min to one hour session we will go from grounding, connecting, to releasing. The Sacred Smoke Ceremony by itself, lasts around 20-30 minutes, the rest is preparation and closing. 

We create a sacred space where using the potent smoke of resins, herbs and oriental woods, merges with air, intertwines with your aura and initiates a powerful, ancestral cleansing process.

While I guide the ceremony and the smoke dances around you, it penetrates your energy body, dissolving stagnant energy, and releasing the heaviness and blockages that holds you back. Together, we connect with our highest selves, unlocking the wisdom within and setting a stage for profound healing.

Smoke Cleansing Ceremony

Through our energy bodies, we communicate on a much deeper level, transcending the limitations of words and embracing the language of the soul. 

In this ceremony, we facilitate this communication, allowing your energetic being to release what no longer serves you and inviting in the transformative energy of love, light, and clarity. 

By tapping into this universal flow, we awaken your awareness, allowing you to perceive the world with renewed clarity and a heart brimming with joy.

Benefits Of Smoke Cleansing Ceremony:

  • Alleviate emotional tension and stress
  • Enhance emotional well-being and inner peace
  • Restore balance and harmony to your energy field
  • Boost self-esteem and uplift your spirit
  • Cultivate clarity, focus, and mental serenity
  • Facilitate spiritual growth and connection
  • Release stagnant energy and negativity
  • Open the path to healing and transformation

How It Works:


The Power Of Sacred Smoke

Throughout history, cultures worldwide have recognized the profound impact of sacred smoke on our well-being. Using ancient resins such as Copal, Palo Santo, and a curated blend of herbs, we harness the ancestral wisdom of smoke to purify the body, mind, and soul. As the smoke merges with your aura, it works synergistically to cleanse, uplift, and restore balance to your energetic being.

When activating the essence over a heat source, such as coal, the aromatic substances, particularly the one that are of plant origin, burn slowly. Molecules of fragrance are released from the plant tissue. The smoke carries these aromatic compounds and disperses them into the surroundings.

The smoke contains psychoactive components of incense that affect both the body and the soul. We inhale them through the nose or mouth. Together with the air we breathe, these molecules come into contact with the olfactory mucosa at the root of the nose.

From an evolutionary perspective, smell is one of our oldest senses. The original brain evolved thanks to our sense of smell, activating the brain of thought — the gray cerebral cortex. Smell stimuli are thus transmitted directly to the brain's centers, influencing our emotions, hormonal regulation, and autonomic nervous system. Smoke influences our perceptions.


Journey Within, Experience The Transformation

Imagine a sanctuary where you can release emotional burdens, soothe your soul, and ignite your inner light. This spiritual ceremony invites you to connect with your highest self, accessing deep layers of healing and personal growth. Through intention, ritual, and the power of the sacred smoke, you are being guided on a profound inward journey to discover your true essence and unlock your untapped potential.

Meet Zaneta

Ceremony Priestess

Allow me to introduce myself - I’m Zaneta, devoted mother, a spiritual life coach, certified yoga instructor and ceremonial priestess. My journey of personal transformation and triumph over adversity fuels my passion to help others on their own path of healing and empowerment. With over two decades of spiritual exploration,  and training in various modalities, I bring a wealth of wisdom, compassion, and authenticity to each activity I do.

Awaken Your Soul

 Book Your Cleansing Ceremony In-person Today

I have limited availability, as I can only accommodate a few people each week. Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with me and embark on your healing journey today. 

I offer both online and in-person appointments.

Through my services, I have witnessed profound transformations in the lives of those I have guided.

Here are just a few testimonials from individuals who have experienced the benefits of the cleansing ceremony: if I had shed an old skin, leaving behind the shackles of my past...

“As I walked into the sacred space, my heart was heavy with anticipation and vulnerability. Zaneta greeted me with warmth and compassion, immediately making me feel safe and understood. She listened attentively as I poured out my heart, empathizing with the depths of my pain. It was comforting to know that I was not alone on this journey and that someone genuinely cared about my healing. During the ceremony, emotions I had suppressed for years surged to the surface, but Zaneta held space for me with unwavering support. 

The moment the ceremony concluded, I felt an incredible sense of relief and liberation. It was as if I had shed an old skin, leaving behind the shackles of my past. The heaviness that once burdened my soul had dissipated! I felt a profound inner peace and a renewed sense of purpose.

I felt a deep sense of release and purification. It was like shedding layers of negativity and stepping into a brighter, more aligned version of myself. I highly recommend it!” - Sarah

...since the ceremony, I have felt more grounded, resilient, and empowered...

"I had been struggling with anxiety and a lack of self-confidence for years. Zaneta's cleansing ceremony provided a powerful shift in my energy and mindset. The aroma of the resins and herbs brought a sense of calm and clarity to my being. Since the ceremony, I have felt more grounded, resilient, and empowered. Zaneta's expertise and compassionate approach are truly remarkable." - Ethan

...Zaneta’s smoke ceremony was a beautiful and transformative experience...

"Zaneta’s smoke ceremony was a beautiful and transformative experience. Her presence, guidance, and the power of the smoke created a sacred space for me to connect with my inner wisdom and find clarity. It was truly life-changing." - Michael

In the sacred smoke ceremony, we harness the power of ancestral techniques, using natural resins and herbs to create a profound emotional and healing experience. Each of these sacred elements carries its own unique energy and therapeutic benefits, working together harmoniously to cleanse, purify, and restore balance in the body, mind, and soul.

Essences And Resins Used In Cleansing Smoking Ceremony

In smoking ceremony I use these three substances as key elements for cleansing. I also prepare a special herb and resin cleansing mix that is created before the session and I use it while doing your unique cleansing ceremony.


COPAL - The "Ember's Enchantment"

Copal resin has been used for centuries in spiritual rituals due to its powerful cleansing properties. When burned, it releases a fragrant smoke that helps to clear negative energy, uplift the spirit, and create a sacred space for healing. Copal has a calming effect on the mind, soothing emotional distress and promoting a sense of peace and tranquility.


PALO SANTO - The "Whispering Sacred Embrace"

Known as "holy wood," Palo Santo emits a sweet, woody aroma when burned. It is revered for its ability to clear stagnant energy, dispel negativity, and promote spiritual growth. Palo Santo is particularly effective in releasing emotional trauma and inviting in a sense of clarity, grounding, and protection. Its unique scent uplifts mood and fosters a deeper connection with oneself to the divine.



Myrrh resin has been used since ancient times for its healing and purifying properties. It has a rich, earthy aroma that promotes relaxation, eases anxiety, and enhances spiritual awareness. Myrrh aids in releasing emotional blockages, soothing the soul, and inviting feelings of inner peace and harmony.

My Story & How I Can Transform Yours

Check my life story on this slides...

ConsInt Photo For Slides Zaneta

How Did I Tap Into Self-Discovery, Traditional Psychology And Psychiatric Therapies?

My exploration of various therapeutic modalities, including traditional psychology and psychiatric therapies, has provided me with invaluable insights and teachings. Through my personal experiences with antidepressants, mental drugs, addictions, alcohol, panic attacks, and discovering how to slow my mind, I have gleaned wisdom that I carry forward on my healing journey.

While I initially delved into the practice of Wicca - Wicca is a nature-based, pagan witchcraft belief system, and I immersed myself in its study for two years, I eventually shifted my focus to yoga. However, my innate connection to my inner priestess, to my inner witch has recently reawakened, igniting the path of divine ceremonies and rituals into my life, creating moments of deep connection.

I have participate in many types of therapies, retreats, workshops, meetings, ceremonies, rituals, etc. I have been a spiritual practitioner for more than 25 years. I have practiced deep pranayama exercises, meditations and asanas. I got certification in Chi Qiong practice – Chinese healing practice working with dantians (chakras).
I got certified in Reiki therapy healing - first level. I am a certified yoga instructor and a devoted practitioner for 25 years.

My journey has also taken me through regression therapy, where I have unlocked the mysteries of four past lives, addressing deep-seated fears and finding answers to long-standing questions. Each step I have taken, each experience I have embraced, has allowed me to shed limiting beliefs and obstacles, revealing a new and empowered version of myself.

Life coach support that I am offering is based on the Byron Katie technique - The Work - the 4 basic questions. This transformative practice of self-inquiry has become a cornerstone of my growth, leading to profound discoveries and breakthroughs along the way.

My unwavering commitment to uncovering my highest purpose and truth has been borne out of the depths of my suffering. Now, I yearn to flow powerfully through life, embracing both the growth and healing that await me. With an open heart, I invite others to join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery and inner healing.

zaneta seilerova

I share my story with you because I want you to know that healing is possible, no matter how difficult your journey may seem right now. 

And now, I invite you to join me on a sacred journey of cleansing and transformation. Through a powerful smoke cleansing ceremony using ancestral resins such as copal, Palo Santo, and herbs, we will purify your body, mind, and soul. During this ceremony, the smoke will merge with your aura, facilitating a profound cleansing that will connect you with your highest self.

As the smoke envelops you, you will feel the release of tension and negative energy. The ceremony will help alleviate nervousness, control stress-related ailments, promote emotional balance, boost self-esteem, and improve your overall mood. The heaviness that weighs upon you will be lifted, allowing you to embrace life with a newfound lightness and joy!

...I feel lighter, more connected...

“Zaneta's cleansing ceremony was a gift of love and healing for my soul.  I emerged from the ceremony feeling lighter, more aligned, and deeply connected to my own divine essence. Thank you, Zaneta, for your transformative presence." - Nathan

...I found love in the right place...

"In just a few weeks following the ceremony, I experienced an incredible shift. I found myself crossing paths with someone who not only resonated with my soul but also reciprocated the love and affection I had been seeking. It was a beautiful and unexpected connection that unfolded naturally and effortlessly." - Denise

...I no longer swear a lot!...

"During the ceremony, as the smoke surrounded me, I felt a profound shift within myself. It was as if the negative energy and patterns that fueled my excessive swearing were being released and replaced with a sense of peace and mindfulness. Since then, I have noticed a significant reduction in my use of swear words, and instead, I find myself expressing my thoughts and emotions more consciously and respectfully. Zaneta's ceremony truly helped me transform an aspect of myself that I had been wanting to change for a long time. I am deeply grateful for the healing and positive impact it has had on my life." - John


These transformative benefits that await you, as we purify your body, mind, and soul, transcending the limitations that have held you captive.

1. Release Emotional Struggles

If you are burdened by emotional pain, suffering, or sadness, the smoke cleansing ceremony is for you. This smudging ceremony gently embraces your emotional wounds, providing a safe space for you to release and let go. Allow the fragrant smoke to weave its way into the depths of your being, freeing you from the weight that has held you down.

2. Purify and Cleanse

Experience a profound purification as the smoke merges with your aura, working its way through every crevice of your energetic body. Feel the heaviness dissipate, making way for a renewed sense of lightness and clarity. The cleansing power of the smoke removes stagnant energy, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

3. Deepen Self-Connection

Through the smoke cleansing ceremony, you will establish a profound connection with your highest self. Tap into the wellspring of wisdom that resides within you, unveiling insights and guidance that will aid you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace the opportunity to reconnect with your authentic essence, fostering a deeper understanding of your true desires and purpose.

4. Restore Balance and Calm

In our fast-paced and often chaotic world, finding inner peace and balance can be a challenge. The smoke cleansing ceremony acts as a balm for the soul, helping to calm the turbulence within. Experience a newfound sense of equilibrium as the smoke harmonizes your energetic field, allowing you to navigate life with serenity and grace.

5. Elevate Self-Esteem and Mood

The transformative power of the smoke cleansing ceremony extends beyond the energetic realm. As you shed old layers and release negativity, a natural elevation in self-esteem occurs. Embrace a newfound sense of self-worth, paving the way for a positive shift in your mood. Feel the heaviness of self-doubt and negativity dissipate, making room for a lighter, more joyful disposition.

6. Heighten Awareness and Presence

The smoke cleansing ceremony acts as a gateway to heightened awareness and mindfulness. Through the ritual, you cultivate a deep sense of presence, enabling you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment. Experience a profound shift in perception as you become attuned to the beauty and magic that surrounds you.

7. Promote Healing

The smoke cleansing ceremony holds a profound potential for healing on multiple levels. It aids in relieving nervous tension, supports the management of stress-related illnesses, and facilitates emotional healing. Embrace the opportunity to embark on a path of holistic healing, allowing the smoke to envelop you in its transformative embrace.

So What About The Cost

It is simple. To experience the transformative Cleansing Ceremony you will have to secure your reservation with a deposit. Don't miss this opportunity to uplift and renew your being. 


In-Person Cleansing Ceremony

You can choose to visit me personally at one of my sanctuaries below.

The session lasts 1 hour.

 Prague - Czech Republic 

Mexico City - Mexico

Santa Barbara - CA, USA

(Check my calendar for availibilty)

The price is $150 USD - 3 000 CZK

Click bellow to make your appointment.

On-Line Cleansing Ceremony - Not available for now

You can choose to meet with me on Zoom video call in my sanctuary and we will work here together. We will have 1 hour session.

The price is $150 USD

Click bellow to make your appointment. (Coming Soon)

Book appointment for transformative journey of self-discovery and energetic renewal

I have only limited spots... Grab yours before they are gone.

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