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Why Am I Always Tired And Have No Energy

Have you ever felt so tired that you can’t even muster the energy to get out of bed? Are you feeling fatigued and stretched thin? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get ahead?

As we age, it’s natural to feel like we’re losing energy and clarity. It’s natural to think that we’re not as clear and vibrant as we used to be.

However, this doesn’t have to be the case!

With the right attitude, we can maintain our vitality and live life to the fullest.


The key is to FOCUS ON THE THINGS THAT WE WANT, rather than dwelling on what we don’t have.

You see, the reason there is a perpetual life force flowing to us and through us is that the source within us is continually being regenerated by our desires in this time-space reality.

However, we often get in our own way by justifying why we’re not following that flow.
We need to understand that the more we focus on CLARITY, the more we will experience it.

When we do this, it’s like opening a valve and letting the universe give us more of what we desire.

You see, energy is always in motion, and the reason it moves is because of the intention that we hold. When we summon the energy to start again, it’s because we have the desire to establish a never-ending life force within us.

When we make a shift in our perspective, we can open up to new possibilities and feel better than ever before. So when you hear the big bang, know that it’s the sound of infinite potential being released into form!

How To Boost Energy When Tired

If you are ready to start feeling clear and energetic again, here are the most powerful tips for living a more vibrant life:

  1. Get clear about what you want

When it comes to living a more vibrant life, clarity is key. The first step is to get clear about what you want. What are your goals? What would make you feel happier and more fulfilled? Once you have a good sense of what you’re striving for, it will be easier to take action steps that move you closer to your goal.

  1. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want

It’s important to focus on what you want in life, rather than dwelling on what you don’t have. When you do this, you open yourself up to receiving more of what you desire. The universe will give you more of what you’re thinking about, so it’s important to focus on the things that make you feel good.

  1. Take action steps towards your goals

The next step is to take action steps toward your goals. This may involve making changes in your daily routine or trying new things. What’s important is that you’re moving in the right direction and taking steps that will lead you closer to your goal.

  1. Be open to new possibilities

As you’re taking action steps towards your goals, be open to new possibilities. The universe may have something even better in store for you than you could have imagined. Trust that you are being guided in the right direction and let go of any fears or doubts that may arise.

  1. Live in the present moment

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to live in the present moment. When you’re caught up in worries about the future or dwelling on past mistakes, you’re not able to fully enjoy the present moment. Instead, focus on what’s happening right now and savor the good feelings that come with it.

How To Channel Your Energy Into Power

If you want to create something in your life, you have to first become a match to it and when you become a match to it, it’s like having the right frequency tune into a radio station, and then whatever it is that you’re matched to comes into your experience.

So if you want more love in your life, become more loving. If you want more abundance in your life, become more appreciative, more grateful, and start enjoying what you have now.

When you do that, then what happens is the universe says, “Oh, they really enjoy having X Y Z. I’ll give them some more of that.”

And it just keeps bringing it to them.

It’s like watering a seed until it germinates and grows into a full-blown plant-bearing fruit for them to enjoy. That’s how it works and that’s how you can use the power of clarity to create what you want in your life.

We should know that we are infinitely intelligent and full of eternal energy. We also know that if we could release the justifications that are holding us back, we would go with the flow more easily.

Rather than thinking about eagerness and fatigue, we should focus instead on clarity and confusion.

Clarity is flowing with the energy that is called to us, while confusion is resisting it. The more we focus on clarity, the more we will experience it.

So, allow yourself to be guided by your intuition and you will find that everything falls into place! Suddenly, what once seemed like a burden becomes fun and effortless. You are the boss of yourself, after all!


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