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The Law of Attraction

Are you feeling stuck in life, like you can’t get ahead no matter how hard you try?
Do you feel like your thoughts are working against you, and you can’t seem to control them?
If so, it may be because you are not aligning your thoughts and actions with your true desires.

The law of attraction is the belief that “like attracts like”, and so WHAT WE FOCUS ON is WHAT WE WILL ATTRACT into our lives.

For instance, if we focus on financial abundance, we will experience an increase in our income. On the other hand, if we constantly think about lack and scarcity, that’s exactly what we will experience.

The law is also thought to be responsible for “luck.” Those of us who have a strong belief that we will have a good day may find that everything seems to go our way, while those who expect things to go wrong may find that our worst fears are realized. There are countless other examples of the law at work in our everyday lives.

So, how do we open ourselves up to a whole new world of opportunity?

Start by identifying our deepest desires, and then take action steps towards making them a reality. As we do, the Universe will begin to align itself in our favor, helping us to create the life of our dreams.

The 3 Universal Principles

There are 3 universal principles of the Law of Attraction:

1. “Like Attracts Like”

“Like attracts like” is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction. The idea is that when we feel good about ourselves, we are more likely to attract positive things into our lives. If we surround ourselves with negative people or things, we are more likely to experience negativity in return.
The “like attracts like” principle can be applied to a variety of areas in our lives, such as our career choices or leisure activities.

2. Nature Abhors a Vacuum

This principle states that when there is an empty space or void in our lives, the Universe will quickly fill it with something else. So, if we want to remove negative things from our lives, we must be intentional in replacing them with POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS.

3. The Present is Always Perfect

Finally, the present moment is always perfect. No matter what’s happening in our lives at any given time, we always have the power to choose how we want to feel. If we focus on past failures or future worries, we’re more likely to attract negative experiences. But if we focus on the present and hold the intention of perfection, we can tap into the power of the Law of Attraction to improve our lives.
Of course, there will always be imperfections, but the present is the only moment we can control. We can’t change the past, and we can’t predict the future, but we can always choose how we want to feel right now.
When we dwell on past failures or future worries, we are more likely to experience negative emotions and attract negative experiences. By simply focusing on the present moment and holding the intention of perfection, we can tap into the power of the law of attraction to improve our lives.

How to Use The Law of Attraction

Are you ready to make the Universe work to your advantage?

There are two ways how to use the Law of Attraction to make our lives better – AFFIRMATION AND VISUALIZATION.

Affirmations are positive statements that can be repeated often, such as “I am healthy and happy” or “I attract wealth and abundance into my life”.

Repeating these statements out loud or in our minds on a daily basis will help to program our subconscious minds to start attracting the things we desire into our lives.

Another way to use the Law of Attraction is through visualization. Visualizing ourselves achieving our goals or manifesting our desires is a powerful way to attract what we want into our lives. Whatever method we choose, the most important thing is to focus on positivity and keep our vibrations high. The more positive energy we put out there, the more likely it is for the Universe to give us what we want.

If this article has inspired you, feel free to let me know in the comments.


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