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The Fake Belief of the Late Arrival Compared to Reality

It’s a familiar feeling – you’re stuck in traffic, the minutes ticking away as you inch closer to being late for work. The frustration and anxiety build until you feel like you’re about to snap. But why does this happen? Part of it is simply the inconvenience of being stuck in a situation beyond your control. But there may be more to it than that.

Traffic jams can be a reminder of our own mortality, a reminder that we are all just tiny specks in an unimaginably vast universe. They can be a symbol of the ways in which our lives are controlled by forces larger than ourselves. In other words, traffic jams can be a source of existential anxiety. But do we really need all that drama that we ourselves create whenever we face the anxiety of being late?

So let’s look a little deeper into what is really happening minds when we believe the fake truth that we are arriving late and that is a universal disaster (at least in our perception).

Time is an Illusion

There is one thing that nobody told us when we were little. It’s that time is an illusion. It’s a human construct, something that we made up to help us understand and make sense of the world around us. And yet, it’s something that we all experience in a very real way.

Every day, we measure our lives in terms of minutes, hours, and days. We use the time to tell us whether we are early or late. We become a slave to it as we use it to tell us if we can do more or less in a day. We use it to plan for the future and to reflect on the past.

Time is such an integral part of our lives that it’s often hard to imagine what life would be like without it. But the truth is, it’s all made up in our minds.

Consciousness and Time

Most of us stress about being late for work, but this is a fake belief that only exists in our minds. We actually have the option to live differently.

Our mind doesn’t distinguish what is real and what is fictitious and consequently reacts the same in both cases.

I know, it sounds super easy, and you probably have heard that so many times everywhere, so I ask you, why you are still getting stressed if you know all that?

Because our mind has a habit and beliefs. It believes that time is of the essence and that being late comes with a lot of consequences.

Consider how we would experience the world if time did not exist. Events would still happen, but we would have no way of ordering them or measuring their duration. This suggests that time is not an objective reality, but is instead a constructed concept that allows us to make sense of our experience.

Our work is not to get rid of all those wrong beliefs in one shot. Our work is to understand that those habits and beliefs show up over and over again in our daily life in very little things.

One of the things that I see that a lot of people struggle with is the fiction of our late arrival.

There is no late arrival. It all happens in our minds.

If you pull yourself away from the earth, you will see that time is something questionable and exist only on the earth.

So I’m gonna ask again if you know and call yourself being spiritual, why would you get stressed when you’re arriving late?

Because you see all the consequences that can happen if you arrive late.

And you rather believe what didn’t happen yet than choose a different outcome.

Instead of telling yourself that you are in the right place and time, you’d rather pick the truth that shows you all the drama that will happen.

What if the next minute that the traffic lights stopped for you to save your life?

What if that person that crosses into our lane abruptly, helps us avoid a car crash because of a one-minute difference?

You see it’s all question of perception.

This is a question of perception, and by changing our perspective, we can change our whole experience.

Consequently, if we believe that we are always in the right place and right time, then we will not stress about being late or being in the wrong situation.


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