October 25

Struggle with Self Worth


You know how when you’re driving, you have a sense of how to stay in your lane?
You don’t force your vehicle to occupy the same strip as another car, and you don’t purposefully drive into the bear pit when you feel the rumble strip beneath your right tire.
Well, it’s the same with life. When we’re fixated and in-lined with ourselves, we can stay in our lane and guide ourselves purposefully to the life we want.
And that’s what we’re here to talk about today – how to stay in our lane so that we can live a life of self-worthiness, feeling good about ourselves, and knowing our value.
Self-worthiness is the most important thing when it comes to achieving success. Why?
Because if we don’t believe that we are worthy of success, we will never achieve it. It’s as simple as that.
Our beliefs dictate our reality, so if we want to change our reality, we need to change our beliefs.
And the first step to changing our beliefs is to become aware of them. Once we are aware of our limiting beliefs about ourselves, we can begin to change them.
The more we focus on feeling worthy and deserving of success, the more likely we are to achieve it.
We wake up feeling good and we take a deep breath. We’re glad for the day and we look for positive aspects.
We deliberately tune ourselves to the frequency of who we really are. We listen to one of the meditation CDs or do something to tune ourselves.
We pay attention to how we feel and we stay in the lane when a negative thought comes into our awareness.
We understand the laws and guidance and we stay in our lane, constantly in a state of feeling our empowerment and knowing our value.
When we feel the rumble strip, we don’t condemn ourselves but use it as guidance.
We’re a deliberate receiver of well-being that’s constantly showering down on us.
If we’re not paying attention to the guidance, we’re off the cliff and need a whole new body. It takes time, but if we’re paying attention, we can stay easily in our lane.

How Do I Fix Self-Worth Issues?

So, how do we stay in our lane so that we can be deliberate receivers of well-being and create the life we want?
The answer is simple: get clear about what you want, and then take action steps that will move you closer to your goal.
Every decision we make takes us either closer or further away from our desired outcome, so it’s important to be mindful of the choices we make on a daily basis.
When we’re clear about what we want, it’s easier to stay focused and take deliberate steps that will lead us to our goal.
Additionally, it’s important to be open to receiving well-being from the Universe – whether that comes in the form of abundance, love, or simply good luck.
By remaining open and receptive, we allow ourselves to receive all the good that life has to offer.

How Do I Develop Self-Worth?

Self-worth is essential not just for achieving success, but for living a fulfilling life in general.
When we have a strong sense of self-worth, we believe that we are deserving of happiness and good things will come our way.
This creates a positive mindset that allows us to attract good things into our lives.
Additionally, feeling good about ourselves is simply contagious – when we feel good, those around us will tend to feel good as well!
One of the best ways to improve our sense of self-worth is to surround ourselves with people who love and support us.
These people will help remind us of our worth when we start to doubt ourselves. They will also inspire us to be our best selves and help us achieve your goals. Find your tribe and let them help you shine!
So, stay in your lane by getting clear about what you want and remaining open to receiving all the good that life has to offer.
Creating the life you want is within reach – all you have to do is take those first steps towards your goal and realize your self-worth!


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