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Practice Self Love

Do you ever feel depleted and exhausted when you constantly try being there for other people? You give and give and give until you feel empty, both emotionally and physically?
The reason may be that you’re not letting in what you truly need – and that is Self Love. Many people struggle with it, like you and me.
The fact is, it’s so easy to get caught up in being everything for everyone else while forgetting to take care of ourselves.
We often do not go back to the well of replenishment because we’re just loving and serving and trying to be of value to others and not to ourselves. We simply feel we don’t deserve to be loved.

Why Is It So Hard To Practice Self-Love

In a world that is constantly demanding more and more of us, it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves. But if we don’t make time to replenish our energy, we’ll never be able to sustain ourselves – let alone anyone else.
We may often feel depression and anxiety and we tend to block ourselves to allow self-love in.
Sometimes, we do let others to hear us out and think that they did understood us but we fail to think about this: In order for someone to fully understand us, they would need to be in the same negative headspace we’re in. And obviously, that’s not something anyone would want.
So instead of looking for love in all the wrong places, we should actually focus on rebuilding our relationship with ourselves – our Self-Focused Love. Only then we will be able to find true happiness.
Self-love is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Without it, we cannot hope to fully achieve our potential or lead happy, fulfilling lives. Unfortunately, many of us struggle with self-love. We may feel undeserving of love and care, or we may simply not know how to give it to ourselves.
If you’re struggling with self-love, know that you’re not alone. But also know that there is hope.
By exploring the root causes of your struggles and making a conscious effort to love and care for yourself, you can begin to heal the wounds of the past and build a foundation of self-love that will support you for a lifetime.
Do you struggle to love yourself and fail to satisfy your own emotional needs? I know that we do, we all do, because it’s easy to care for others and it’s easier to give than to receive. But at the end of the day, we end up feeling depleted and exhausted.

Power of Self-Love

Self-love is not evil. Self-love is not self-centered. Self-love is a deep regard for our own perceptions. It’s positive energy.
When we’re feeling low, we sometimes expect others to automatically understand us and know how to make us feel better. But that’s not realistic.
We may feel that we don’t deserve to love ourselves as much as we love others, but self-love is essential for a healthy life.
So remember this: without self-love, we can never hope to truly be happy and fulfilled.
Learning to love ourselves is the first step on the path to a more fulfilling life. When we are able to give ourselves the love and attention we deserve, we open up the possibility of true happiness.

So, do the following:

  • Know what you truly need.
  • Don’t look to others for that replenishment.
  • Have your own connection to your source, and know that your inner being will love you unconditionally.
  • Let your inner being explain to you a little bit about their perspective of you.
  • Let yourself succumb to a better place now to let more of that love in”.

You see, Self Love is not selfish; it’s essential for a healthy, balanced life. So next time you find yourself neglecting your own needs in favor of others, take a step back and ask yourself what you need to do to replenish your own well of love. Only then will you be able to give your best self to the world.


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