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How To Resolve Conflict In Marriage

Does it ever feel like your partner is pushing all of your buttons? Maybe they forget to take out the trash or leave their wet towel on the bed.

We’ve all been there before: so mad at our partner that we want to leave them.

I don’t think there’s anyone who hasn’t been in these situations before.

You’re so angry at your partner that you can’t even stand to be in the same room with him. All you can think about is how much you want to get away from him.

But did you know that you can still be happy and stay in the marriage if you CHOOSE to?

You see, conflict is a natural part of any close relationship.

However, there are ways to foster a healthy relationship even in the midst of anger and hurt feelings.

When you’re mad at someone, all you can think about is how much you hate them.

But one key to remember is that we’re each responsible for our OWN HAPPINESS.

We can’t expect our partner to make us happy – that’s actually OUR JOB.

Our job is to make ourselves happy about how we want to feel about a situation. If you say “I choose to be happy with myself”, and “I choose to be thankful for what I have, instead of what I don’t have”, we’d attract more positive energy in ourselves.

Consequently, when we focus on the positive aspects of our partner rather than the negative, we also increase our positive vibrations. By doing this, we are more likely to attract positive energy into the relationship.

How To Resolve Conflict In A Relationship

Our relationship is what we make of it. If we choose to have more depth, excitement, and adventure then we can focus more on our thoughts on those things.

Being happy in a relationship starts with our own internal decision and taking action steps that lead us closer to what we want it to turn out to be.

While it’s important to communicate our needs to our partners, at the end of the day, we need to focus on ourselves first.

Ask yourself this question:

Is there something you can actually let go of? Can you let something pass by thinking about all those good moments you’ve had – how someone made you feel at each pillar moment of your life?

The next time your husband forgets about your anniversary or your birthday present, think twice before getting angry.

Our close relationship with our partner doesn’t hang in the “this moment” of whether or not they remembered us or our anniversary date.

Our happiness depends upon what we point our thoughts toward- what we choose to focus on.

If we want a great relationship full of depth, excitement, and adventure then we can begin by shifting our attention and focusing our thoughts in that direction.

You were born to relieve yourself of anger and unhappiness. And so you shall.

Remember, you’re the only one that’s good at making yourself happy. Not anyone else- including your closest partner.

You’re better at making yourself happy. Better than anyone else.

As you continue to get better at it, you’ll come to a point where you will be able to say that you are all good and say these words: “I’m fine”.

Another thing is that if you want your partner to make you feel good, try amplifying the things that make you feel good around them.

Appreciate the things they do for you and show your love and appreciation for your partner.

This can be something as simple as telling them how much you appreciate them or doing something special for them.

It’s also important to make sure that you’re spending quality time together, whether it’s going on dates or just spending time at home together. Remember how good it felt and let that feeling guide you.

How To Resolve Conflict In A Relationship When Both Feel Strongly

By simply amplifying the things that make you feel good, you open yourself up to attracting more of those things into your life.

So, make an effort to show your partner how much you love and appreciate what they do to make you happy. It can go a long way towards making your marriage a happy one.

The next time you find yourself feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by your partner or whenever you feel like you’re just not good enough, there’s always a great way to fulfill that void you’re feeling.

Don’t scream at him, hit him, or just curl up in a ball and ignore him. Instead, choose to focus on the positive aspects of the relationship.

When you find something that feels good, amplify it.
Practice makes perfect. The more you focus on the positive aspects of your relationship, the better you’ll become at it.
Appreciation is key. Showing gratitude for your partner will help foster intimacy and desire.
Let go of anger. Resentment will only get in the way of a fulfilling sexual relationship.
Focus on what’s important to you. What are the things that make you laugh together? What inside jokes do you share? Cherish those moments.

Doing these will help keep the spark alive in your relationship and help resolve conflict in marriage!


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